Fiscal 2023 Results Teams

Mayor Scott is relaunching Results Teams as part of the City's Fiscal 2023 outcome budgeting process and wants you to be part of this transformative process!

Jump to: Results Teams|Composition|Time Commitment|Apply

What are Results Teams?

Results Teams serve as the core of Baltimore City's outcome budgeting process. As a member of a team you would provide valuable input to the Mayor regarding the funding decisions for City services.

Teams evaluate budget proposals from agencies to determine the best way to deliver the results that residents expect while maximizing the results per dollar spent. Results Teams work includes:

  • reading agency proposals
  • holding agency conferences
  • ranking agency proposals
  • developing funding recommendations to deliver to the Mayor

The recommendations from these Teams provide the Mayor with better information about what we are getting for the tax dollars spent and show how agency contributions achieve the Mayor’s goals.

Baltimore’s annual budget is organized by Pillar and each Pillar has a corresponding Results Team. Mayor Scott's Pillars are Prioritizing Our Youth, Building Public Safety, Clean and Healthy Communities, Equitable Neighborhood Development, and Responsible Stewardship of City Resources.

Titles of Mayor's Pillars: Prioritizing Our Youth, Building Public Safety, Clean and Healthy Communities, Equitable Neighborhood Development, and Responsible Stewardship.


Who is part of Results Teams?

Results Teams include representatives from City agencies, City residents, a BBMR analyst, and a chairperson.

A strong Results Team member is someone who is:

  • an analytical thinker
  • inquisitive and asks important and challenging questions
  • organized and responsive
  • able to see how the different City services fit together to achieve our higher goals as a City
  • objective and able to separate their agency's or organization's asks from the broader activity
  • engaged and active around the budget

What is the time commitment for participation?

If you would like to participate, please consider the time commitment involved. The time commitment associated with participation includes approximately 6-8 business days’ worth of meetings during the months of December and January, as well as independent reading time. Below is a quick explanation of the timeline and dates that are required for participants:


This will be a full day of training about Outcome Budgeting, the role of Results Teams, and an opportunity to get to know the teams. This is mandatory for participants.


Results Teams will meet during this time period based on the schedule that works best for the team. Expect to have approximately 6-8 business days’ worth of meetings, as well as independent reading time.


Each Results Team will have one full-day conference to meet with agencies and discuss proposals, as needed. These conferences are scheduled for the following days:

  • January 10, 2022: Prioritizing Our Youth
  • January 11, 2022: Equitable Neighborhood Development
  • January 12, 2022: Building Public Safety
  • January 13, 2022: Responsible Stewardship of City Resources
  • January 14, 2022: Clean and Healthy Communities


Each Results Team will be scheduled for a one-hour presentation of their recommendations to the Mayor and Senior Team. All team members are expected to attend. These will be scheduled based on the Mayor's schedule but will be targeted for the end of January.

How can I participate?

City employees and residents interested in participating should apply by December 3, 2021. 

Please contact us at with any questions.