Budget Glossary
Name | Description |
A | |
Activity | A subdivision of a service that specifies how the service is performed. Some services may be accomplished through the performance of only one activity, while other services may require the performance of two or more activities. |
Agency | An organization authorized by the Mayor and City Council to operate in the best interest of the public. Each agency is obligated by the City Charter to submit a budget request outlining projected costs of operation for the upcoming fiscal year to the Director of Finance and/or Planning Commission, as applicable. |
F | |
Fiscal Year | The time frame to which the annual budget applies. For the City of Baltimore, this period is from July 1 through June 30. |
Fund | A sum of money segregated for specific activities. Use of this money requires adherence to special regulations established for each type of fund. The funds identified within Baltimore City's budget are the Capital Fund, Conduit Enterprise Fund, Convention Center Bond Fund, General Fund, Internal Service Fund, Parking Enterprise Fund, Parking Management Fund, Special Grant Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Stormwater Utility Fund, Water Utility Fund, and Wastewater Utility Fund. |
G | |
General Fund | A central fund into which most of the City's tax and unrestricted revenues are budgeted to support basic City operations and pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) capital projects. |
Grant | A contribution made from either the private sector to the City or by one governmental unit to another unit. The contribution is usually made to support a specified service, function, or project. |
O | |
Object | A group of similar services, commodities, equipment, or personnel costs used to clarify spending within the budget. Objects of expenditure identified within Baltimore City’s budget are: Salaries; Other Personnel Costs; Contractual Services; Materials and Supplies; Equipment; Grants, Subsidies and Contributions; Debt Service; and Capital Improvements. |
S | |
Salary and Wage Differential | Added compensation received by certain employees when regularly assigned to night or shift work and to certain employees when required to work under various hazardous conditions. |
Salary and Wage Savings | An adjustment made to appropriations resulting from the number of permanent full-time positions which are either vacant, filled by an employee in a lower pay classification, or through employee turnover within the agency. |
Service | Replaces program in the budget structure. An activity or set of activities performed by an agency that has: identifiable costs for budgeting purposes; a clear public purpose and measurable objectives; and clear lines of accountability for its performance and fiscal management. Services are the means to achieving desired outcomes for City residents. |
Subobject | A subdivision of an object of expenditure in which groups of similar services or related articles are further delineated into more specific types of expenditures. |